Photovoltaic panels
Photovoltaic panels image

Photovoltaic panels have been installed on all the roofs of the Alca production facility in Břeclav, as well as on the roofs of the FV-Plast plants in Čelákovice and Bohdalice. Winery and Game Reserve Obelisk were not left behind either, where were panels on the building roofs also in 2023.

Energy recovery
Energy recovery image

As part of our efficiency measures, we are implementing energy recovery units in newly established production lines The air heated during the cooling of production lines is also used for heating. Energy recovery is thus the next step in our quest to achieve maximum energy efficiency and sustainability within our operations.

Cogeneration units
Cogeneration units image

Alca utilizes a wide range of cost-saving measures, with annual investments reaching up to hundreds of millions CZK. The system for heating halls with waste heat from pressing machines in combination with several natural gas cogeneration units is an example of environmentally friendly industrial production.

Waste recycling
Waste recycling image

We focus on ecological sustainability and efficient waste recycling. Production waste, such as plastics and metals, is carefully sorted and reused in the production process or handed over to specialized companies for recycling. This approach reduces the consumption of new raw materials and minimizes the environmental impact.

Game reserve Obelisk
Game reserve Obelisk image

Implementation of a unique landscaping project, which restored lost water in the soil and returned home to hundreds of plant and animal species. A work whose significance has impacted the esteemed academic community and whose scope will influence generations. That's Game Reserve Obelisk.